- INRIA – CEDAR team: models, languages, and efficient database techniques for complex, semantic-rich data
- IRISA, Université de Rennes 1 – SHAMAN team: automated reasoning, representing and querying knowledge, and integrating heterogeneous information sources
- LIMSI, CNRS – ILES team: natural language processing, information retrieval and extraction, event extraction and information
Xavier Tannier, Brigitte Grau, Patrick Paroubek
- LIRIS, CNRS – DB & DM2L teams: data management and mining, in particular declarative and logical approaches, query evaluation, heterogeneous data integration in large-scale distributed systems, and constraint-based pattern mining in particular for spatio-temporal data
Philippe Lamarre, Sylvie Cazalens, J.-Marc Petit, Marc Plantevit, Céline Robardet
- Le Monde, Les Décodeurs: major leading French newspaper and fact-checking pioneer in the French news industry; provides application knowledge, helps define a typology of needs, builds a reference set for evaluation, and proof-tests the ideas and tools produced by the project
Samuel Laurent, Aline Rouyer, Ludovic Werwinski, Maxime Ferrer, Adrien Sénecat, Maxime Vaudano
Former members: Swen Ribeiro, Michaël Thomazo, Oscar Mendoza, Raphaël Bonaque, Bogdan Cautis