
ContentCheck: Models, Algorithms and Tools for Data Journalism and Journalistic Fact-Checking


Fact-checking is the task of assessing the factual accuracy of claims, typically prior to publication. Modern fact-checking is faced with a triple revolution in terms of scale, complexity, and visibility, as claims and background knowledge are increasingly digital.
ContentCheck brings together experts in data management, natural language processing, automated reasoning and data mining from Inria, LIMSI/CNRS and U. Paris Saclay, U. Rennes 1, U. Lyon 1, and the fact-checking team “Les DĂ©codeurs” from Le Monde, the leading  French national newspaper. We work to establish fact-checking as a data management problem, endow it with sound foundations, design and deploy novel algorithms for automating fact-checking, and validate them by close interaction with the journalists.

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